Monday, December 30, 2013

Meera Jasmine Getting Married

Meera Jasmine Getting Married

Meera Jasmine Getting Married

Meera Jasmine a Kerala beauty is a well known heroine for Telugu audience though she hails from Kerala and acted more in Tamil and Malayalam movies.

Meera jasmine whose beauty is compared with Amaryllis flower (Mudda Mandaram in Telugu) worked in the movies ‘Ammayi Bavundi’, ‘Gudumba Shankar’, ‘Bhadra’, ‘Gorintaku’, ‘Maharadhi’ etc.

She is getting married to a Trivandrum boy Anil John Titus working as software professional at Dubai.  It started with Anil’s proposal through a matrimonial website for which Meera’s parents Okayed.  The marriage will be solemnized on February 12, 2014 at LMS Church in Trivandrum.

All the best Meera Jasmine!


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